George Gershwin (1934)

    Slow and Languorous
4/4 | D - X U - - D - |
      1   2 &     4

Summer | [Am] time... | [E7] and the livin' is | [Am] easy.   | [Am]    
Fish are | [Dm] jumpin'... | and the cotton is | [E7] high.   | [E7]
Your daddy's | [Am] rich... | [E7] and your mama's good- | [Am] lookin' | [Am]      
So | [C] hush, little [Am] baby,   | [E7]  don't you   | [Am] cry.   | [Am]

One of these | [Am] mornings... | [E7] you're gonna rise up | [Am] singin' | [Am]
Then you'll | [Dm] spread your wings... | and you'll take to the | [E7] sky. | [E7]
But till that | [Am] morning... | [E7] there's a'nothing can | [Am] harm you | [Am]
With | [C] daddy and [Am] mamma   | [E7] standing   | [Am] by... | [Am]

#This is a 'bare bones' version of the chord progression.
#Capo on 1st fret to play along with Norah Jones.
#Last Updated 6/30/18 JJ
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